Pop Up Food Pantry Program

Welcome to the Dog Days of summer. I hope you’re safe and cool.

We’ve spent the last couple of months expanding our reach to neighbors who are experiencing food insecurity. We started 2020 with an intention to help food desert communities by educating them about access and preparation techniques for healthier foods. We were able to connect with stakeholder organizations in 26 states that needed guidance setting up a local food pantry. Then Covid-19 hit and threw our country into a whirlwind of uncertainty.

Many states issued stay-at-home orders and suddenly our partners had to rethink how to manage their daily activities. It was clear, our culture had changed in an instant and we had to bloom where we were planted.

We have a neighbor, Tiffine Forester. who directs a dynamic organization in Brunson, SC named Youth Generation Matters. Their mission is to inspire and motivate youth to make positive decisions for healthy and successful lives in their community.

She wanted to host a Drive Thru Food Pantry so, Kelly’s Kitchen worked with Youth Generation Matters to individually package donations and purchases for consumers. Our focus was on fresh, local foods and other staples that aren’t available due to Covid interruptions. We were able to feed 75 families for one week. We also offered delivery when needed.

Thank you to the volunteers! It can’t happen without you!

 Then Judith Brown came in to our lives. She is on fire in Charlotte, NC. She directs an organization named Project 70Forward. Their focus is on advocacy for people with disabilities. Food insecurity in her community is dangerous. Many times food banks aren’t able to accommodate special dietary restrictions. Kelly’s Kitchen worked with Project 70Forward to distribute specific items that are needed.


There will be more to tell about both of these communities, so stay tuned.

We’re continuing to work the others to organize a drive thru food pantry which focuses on the most vulnerable.


Grilled Cauliflower Steaks


Food Justice is Social Justice