FREE, VIRTUAL Four-Course Series on the Intersection of Food Justice and Disability Justice!

Kelly’s Kitchen is excited to partner with the Association of Programs for Rural Independent Living (APRIL) to provide a four-course series on the intersection of food justice and disability justice. Kelly’s Kitchen is a national non-profit organization based out of Charleston, South Carolina that promotes healthy nutrition in the whole community, with a focus on providing education on ways to access healthy food, explore employment possibilities in the food and beverage industry for people with disabilities, ensure food security, and learn healthy preparation techniques.

Oftentimes, populations who need support, resources, and access to food security resources the most are the ones who already face inequities and barriers.

Join us for this free four-course series on the second Tuesday of the month February – May 2024 from 3:30 pm – 4:30 pm EST. 

Please Note: Course #2 will be held on the THIRD Tuesday of the month (March), which is March 19, 2024.

Click Here to Register for This Four-Course Series (February, March, April, and May 2024)

Why Four Courses?

Just like a four-course dinner, we will be bringing you content that starts light and easy and gets more detailed and application-based as the sessions progress.

Each course will focus on a different topic that will build on top of one another. You will get the most out of attending all four courses, however you can attend whichever session(s) feel the most beneficial for you and the disabled community members you serve and support. The registration link below will register you for all four courses.

Course 1: Food Justice 101

Course 1 (February 13, 2024, 3:30 – 4:30 pm EST): Food Justice 101

Join Kelly’s Kitchen as we ease into the topic of food justice and disability justice. During this first session we will frame the need for this intersecting conversation, discuss key terms that are often used when discussing food equity and food justice, and help set the precedent for future courses and how we can take the information learned over the next four months to make impactful and sustainable change within our own community.

Course 2: Best Practices When It Comes to Nutrition and Disability

Course 2 (March 19, 2024, 3:30 – 4:30 pm EST): Best Practices When It Comes to Nutrition and Disability

Join Kelly’s Kitchen as we discuss best practices when it comes to nutrition and disability. National Eating Disorder Awareness Week was February 28 – March 5, so this is a timely topic. Please note this is NOT a session led by a nutritionist and content is not to be considered medical advice. March is National Nutrition Month, which is the perfect time to talk about nutrition and how to ensure that individuals, especially people with disabilities are getting essential information they need. This session will focus on best practices regarding the Food Pyramid vs. MyPlate Healthy Eating Chart and discuss barriers with using outdated resources to define and identify nutrition. This session will also set the stage for Course 3 by introducing concepts related to access to fresh foods, accessible kitchens and the impact of access and inclusion on someone with a disability.

Course 3: Barriers for People with Disabilities When It Comes to Food Equity

Course 3 (April 9, 2024, 3:30 – 4:30 pm EST): Barriers for People with Disabilities When It Comes to Food Equity

Join Kelly’s Kitchen as we get into the barriers for people with disabilities when it comes to food equity, food access, and medically appropriate and equitable advice. We will address some of the nutrition advice and suggestions provided to people with disabilities that can be dangerous and lead to body dysmorphia or disordered eating. This involves a deep dive into BMI and meal plans, and how they are often rooted in ableism and racism. A member of the disability community who has experienced bias when it comes to nutrition and physical disability will share their experience. We will also hear from the founder of Boltz to Nutz Farm in Ohio about the importance of accessible kitchens for people with various disabilities.

Course 4: Putting it All Together – Making A Difference in Your Community

Course 4 (May 14, 2024, 3:30 – 4:30 pm EST): Putting It All Together – Making A Difference in Your Community

Join Kelly’s Kitchen for the fourth and final course in the series. This course is a call to action on how to utilize the information provided over the past four months and use it to “do better” and create more inclusive and aware programming and messaging. This session will help you figure out how to bring the information you’ve learned to your community as it relates to food equity, access, and inclusion. This will include an overview of current and upcoming Kelly’s Kitchen programming such as the Food Security Network, Food Ambassador Program, Nourishment Beyond the Plate cooking and accessible kitchen skill building series, food and beverage employment section of our website, and our accessible kitchen tool resource guide.

Accommodation Request Deadlines

ASL and CART provided as needed. Please be sure to include accommodation requests in your registration.

Requests for accommodations must be provided at least two weeks prior to each course meeting date.

This means that you need to register for this series at least two weeks prior to the course you would like to attend.

Deadlines to Request Accommodations:

  • Tuesday, January 30 for the February 13 course

  • Tuesday, February 27 for the March 12 course

  • Tuesday, March 26 for the April 9 course

  • Tuesday, April 30 for the May 14 course


Contact Information: Email Mary Willard at or Kelly Timmons at with additional questions or assistance with filling out the registration form.


Click Here to Register for this Four-Course Series (February, March, April, and May 2024)


Please Note: You do not have to commit to all four and can pick and choose which ones you want to attend each month from February – May 2024.


Dairy Free Crispy Chocolate Hearts (Valentines Recipe)


Scrumptious Vegan Banana Blueberry Bread